Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Anything coated in sugar CAN'T be bad

Photo courtesy of: Maryann

I've made these Pumpkin Poppers and brought them to a few parties and they're always gone in 5 seconds. I "wasn't allowed" to go to a friend's Halloween party without bringing these. I used whole wheat flour the second time I made them and they still tasted just as good, no one noticed. My boyfriend's whole family LOVES them too. When his mom makes them, she coats them with powdered sugar instead of butter/cinnamon/sugar. They're delicious every time.
So, if you're interested in making dessert-y things, give it a try and let me know how you like them!

HERE is the recipe for these scrumptious pumpkin yummy-ness treats

Guest post courtesy of Lauren AKA "Nawww-Knee" <3

Friday, December 7, 2012

A Modern Day Hero

Photo of jacket courtesy of: Amazon
Most people may not look at Chris Williams as a hero, but to me, he is! 
He valued life and saved a life through forgiveness. An inspiring, MUST read for anyone (which in my opinion is ALL of us) struggling to forgive.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Did it Work?

Photo courtesy of: my thirty spot

De-Funk Your Bath Towels

Let me just get this out of the way, right, now. I have some towels that STINK. They lived on the East Coast for awhile and have not wanted to part with the smell of water and humidity mixed together with cotton. They LOVE each other :)
They're actually fine smelling until they mix with water. Doesn't have to be a lot of water. You know what I mean, after a shower kinda water introduction. They come out of the dryer smelling ok, NOT fresh, mind you, but smelling ok clean. Nothing I do makes a bit of difference in the aroma department. So, when I found this post I was not hopeful in the least. I KNEW it would NOT work. 
My husband who has the smelliest sniffer alive was skeptical.
But, somewhere inside of me, I must have had a glimmer of hope because try it, I did.
The smelly towels came out of the dryer smelling fresh, but, still, there was skepticism. After all, the test would come with the re-introduction of towel and water. To my (& smelliest sniffer alive) surprise the towels smelled fresh. Not brand new kind of fresh but definitely not that mildewy, stinky, smelly, East Coast towel smell. 
It's been almost 2 months since the 1st washing and it's time to do it again. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Outta the Ballpark Ono

Photo courtesy of : Malcolm Bedell


I was very excited to try this recipe. I don't eat fast food unless it is an absolute must. My kiddies were a little shocked that I voluntarily planned to make something new that wasn't REALLY healthy.  I like an occasional (MAYBE once a year) Chick-Fil-A Chicken sandwich, chemicals and all. There is something about all those flavors melding together that makes my taste buds scream, 
So I pulled out my organic, free range chicken (Something about this meal had to be healthy to justify consuming this treat)  from Here and went to work.
I loved the ease and speed of making this recipe. I doubled it knowing that if it was worthy of its name, many of us in this household would be going for 2nd's, 3rd's, 4th's, etc. 
People were searching high and low in the fridge for this delectable treat (yes, its considered a treat and NO this WON'T be frequenting the menu rotation-sorry kids).


Tweakings by ME

-Olive Oil instead of Peanut Oil
-Almond Milk instead of regular milk
-left out dry milk
-didn't use as much butter (soy instead of regular) as recipe called for

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Drop of Magic


About 3 years ago, I broke my toe. I did not seek medical attention. 
As time went on, I found my toe aching more and more, sleeping with a blanket woke me up from the pressure 
placed on said toe and it became more difficult to bend. I found out doTERRA wintergreen might be of some assistance in the discomfort category. I decided to try it since I had nothing to lose. 
Within 2 days my symptoms began to dissipate. Occasionally, I would stub my toe or the pressure from the blanket all night long on my toe would cause some discomfort so I would put a drop on my poor toe. Almost instant relief. 
Six months later and I have had NO problems with my toe, even when I stub or bang it on something. "A dab will do" is all it took for this essential oil to work it's magic

UPDATE: since posting this, I realized doTERRA is having a sale on Wintergreen this month-10% off. I LOVE ANYTHING WITH THE WORDS "OFF PRICE" :)
Contact me if you would like a bottle of Wintergreen for a "SCREAMING" deal.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Slow Cooker Chicken Tikka Masala

photo courtesy of: mealplanning101

For those of you out there who LOVE Indian cuisine, specifically, Chicken Tikka Masala, and don't have the time to make it properly(in other words, hours of preparation), here is a recipe that is a GREAT substitute! I have seen this particular recipe all over Pinterest :)
In this house, 6 out of 8 LOVE Indian cuisine. I have made this too many times to count :)
Without further adieu, here is the link for this yummy dish.

Chicken Tikka Masala

I went Here and found a Naan recipe that had numerous positive feedback.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Finding a meal that my entire, picky family will all agree to love has been one of the most difficult, stressful parts of feeding my family. So, when I make something that we all love,  we will eat it forever because I dare NOT try anything new to replace the love it meal.
I have a pancake recipe that we all love. It's quick and easy. I make the appropriate modifications for one of us who has a food allergy and no one complains. So, when I decided to try this recipe, I really didn't think it would become the go to pancake meal.  In fact, I only made 2 batches with different flours. 
To my utter amazement and delight, the kids and I LOVED the pancakes and wholeheartedly agree with the recipes' title, "BEST PANCAKES EVER!!!" One of the kids wanted pancakes at 11pm but, sadly, there were NO leftovers. There is ALWAYS next time....
Below is the original link and recipe. Enjoy!

Thank you, Coleen, in Alaska :)       (photo courtesy of Coleenrecipes)

Update: since making these babies the kids have asked for these almost daily. One child was overheard saying to dad, "oh man, you missed it! Mom, made the BEST PANCAKES EVER!"

Tweaks to original recipe:
I replaced regular flour for White Whole Wheat flour. One child, who will go to their grave saying they can tell the difference between regular flour and wheat flour, could NOT tell me which pancake was wheat and which was regular flour :)
I soured milk using coconut milk and vinegar-worked like a charm!