Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Drop of Magic


About 3 years ago, I broke my toe. I did not seek medical attention. 
As time went on, I found my toe aching more and more, sleeping with a blanket woke me up from the pressure 
placed on said toe and it became more difficult to bend. I found out doTERRA wintergreen might be of some assistance in the discomfort category. I decided to try it since I had nothing to lose. 
Within 2 days my symptoms began to dissipate. Occasionally, I would stub my toe or the pressure from the blanket all night long on my toe would cause some discomfort so I would put a drop on my poor toe. Almost instant relief. 
Six months later and I have had NO problems with my toe, even when I stub or bang it on something. "A dab will do" is all it took for this essential oil to work it's magic

UPDATE: since posting this, I realized doTERRA is having a sale on Wintergreen this month-10% off. I LOVE ANYTHING WITH THE WORDS "OFF PRICE" :)
Contact me if you would like a bottle of Wintergreen for a "SCREAMING" deal.

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