Thursday, December 6, 2012

Did it Work?

Photo courtesy of: my thirty spot

De-Funk Your Bath Towels

Let me just get this out of the way, right, now. I have some towels that STINK. They lived on the East Coast for awhile and have not wanted to part with the smell of water and humidity mixed together with cotton. They LOVE each other :)
They're actually fine smelling until they mix with water. Doesn't have to be a lot of water. You know what I mean, after a shower kinda water introduction. They come out of the dryer smelling ok, NOT fresh, mind you, but smelling ok clean. Nothing I do makes a bit of difference in the aroma department. So, when I found this post I was not hopeful in the least. I KNEW it would NOT work. 
My husband who has the smelliest sniffer alive was skeptical.
But, somewhere inside of me, I must have had a glimmer of hope because try it, I did.
The smelly towels came out of the dryer smelling fresh, but, still, there was skepticism. After all, the test would come with the re-introduction of towel and water. To my (& smelliest sniffer alive) surprise the towels smelled fresh. Not brand new kind of fresh but definitely not that mildewy, stinky, smelly, East Coast towel smell. 
It's been almost 2 months since the 1st washing and it's time to do it again. 

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