I am NOT a meat lover. Never was. Never will be.
I am giving this meal a 5 out of 5 stars rating.
Read on ;)
This past weekend 6 out of the 9 family members were together. It wasn't a long weekend get together but I take whatever I can get. I cooked all day Saturday so that the kids could have some meals for the upcoming week. One of the meals I eked out was this French Dip Sandwich.
I LOVED the ease of dumping the ingredients in the crock pot, hitting the "low" button and not thinking about dinner for the entire day. Hence, the 5 outta 5 rating. PLUS, all 6 consumers of dinner enjoyed this meal :)
You can't have French Dip Sandwiches without French Bread
Since I have become an almost regular bread maker, I don't like spending the $$ on store bought bread. Have you seen the prices of healthy, aka no preservatives/ingredients you can pronounce/limited number of "ingredients" in the recipe, store bought bread these days---about $4 for ONE tiny loaf---NO THANKS! I'll make my own for pennies, or better yet, I'll get the hubby to make the bread for pennies ;) Hubby, who is from South Jersey (Philly)/BEST BREAD IN THE USA area, made 3 dozen of these babies and gave them a 2 thumbs up. Although he would like to "tweak" them a little to get a more crusty on the outside, spongy on the inside texture, he enjoyed these nonetheless.
** I served roasted potatoes, yams and asparagus so I could get my vege "fix"
These were so delicious! Thanks for providing these for our dinner tonight!